miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Cospiracy

The film "Light Bulb Conspiracy"  starts out by telling us what planned obsolesense is . In the film planned obsoloecense is defined as  a method to produce a product in a way that its meant to be disposed of after a certain period of time. This is very important because in an age of decadence consumers have a desire to own something a little sooner.The film discusses the birth of planned obsolesesense  which started with an idea that a man called Brook  Stemens had.  His ideals were adapted in the 1950's.

This film also discusses the light bulb conspiracy  which had its roots in germany when a business cartel was established in Germany. The purpose of this cartel was to establish policys that would  make light bulbs only functional for 1000 hours. In the end controling the market through planned obsoloecense. Another important thing mentioned in the film is the abuse developed countrys use  with third world countrys. The thing that he developed countrys do is throw waste in third wolrd countrys . This waste is s tragic result from planned obsolesense.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen

The collapse of the American Empire is the main topic of this film. To understand it, the film present many ideas from different people living the same system that we have created. This system is conformed by human beings that are inconsistent and paradoxical. They are people that hope peace but they keep doing things to destroy each other. They have chosen a system that doesn't benefit anyone and later they will have to pay a price for that. Americans are now in a world of obsessions, that led them start out searching because they don't feel enough with what they have.

This world that americans began to create has brought several problems that most of them are because the reason why the strongest empire is collapsing. The first and and in my opinion most important is the wealth that is being reflected in all the most of actions in a daily life in different ways.  For example banking systems are one struggle that still there in the US, because private banks create money out of nothing. This system is called as FIAT since 1971 and since then it make money growth. FIAT is a latin word and it means let it be so. This system that supposedly is make to benefit the country, brings the separation of it and this is when you start looking that the difference between rich and poor gets bigger. Problems like poverty, hunger and malnutrition start going up while all this systems that they created appear. The founder of Schumacher College, Satish Kumar said: "With all the industrialization we have not yet manage to solve the problem of poverty." I totally agree with him because instead of looking for what is missing to make an equal country, they start to take several problems that affect a lot of people, like for example malnutrition and obesity.

This system later could maybe affect my life because Colombia is in contact with the US and all the economy, for example the TLC. Our country would not be affected as much as their country but yes in some way. They should start looking for a solution and to have more integrity to solve the problems that they are not contemplating because of creating other things.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System

This system is defined as the set of measures or laws in a country governing the manufacture and circulation of money. The Colombian monetary system is constructed according to the Colombian constitution but is controlled by the central bank or Bank of The Republic. This Central Bank is in charge of several things like: issuing cash, control the amount of money and supervise the banking system. Even though the Constitution is related with this system it gives autonomy to the Bank of The Republic and that leads to the bank not being part of any of the  branches of government. In other words this autonomy is the ability  the bank is given for free analysis of money and to design and apply the policy without interrupting other parts of the government bodies.

Unlike the USA, Colombia´s inflation is more regulated. Inflation can be defined as a sustained increased in the general price level of good and services in an economy. This can be showed with the statistics that presented El Blog Salmón, that says: ¨During 7 years, it increased from 1,000 pesos to 2,000 pesos.¨ The central bank has the obligation to ensure that there is too much money, of any kind, not to fuel inflation because with too much liquidity compared to the needs of the real and financial market would cause the increase of the prices. This would take to having more demand products and services than the regular ones.

MLA Citation:
"Análisis Del Sistema Monetario En Colombia." SlideShare. Inocencio Melendez Julio, 09 Mar. 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
"Economía Y Empresas. ¿Cómo Funciona El Sistema Monetario?" El Blog Salmón. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Fractional Reserve Banking System

The fractional reserve banking system is presented in all the process of the creation of money. The FED, produced a document that is called Modern Money Mechanics, where its purpose is to describe the money creation. According to the film, Zeitgeist Addendum, and what i understood, there are multiple steps to create the money that we spend every day. The first step is when the government give bonds to the Federal Reserve (FED), so they can start to create what is called money, so they can give it back to the government. The next step is after the money is with the government again, they give it to a bank and in that process occurs the legalization of the money. The final step is when people start borrowing money from the banks.

That last step is considered as a debt, so money eventually means a debt. It can be explained as LOAN DEMAND+RESERVE=NEW MONEY CREATED. But the value that is given to this new money was given by the money that already exist. This leads to inflation, that is when the general prices goes up and the dollar value goes down. Inflation is a tax for for the people. There is a 96% of devaluation in 94 years. Finally, with all this data i think that this reserve system, was a temporary solution to prevent recession but in another part a new solution that developed a stable economy that shows us how much people depend on how this system goes.

"ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | 2008 (HD)." YouTube. N.p., 28 Dec. 2012. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbvCxMfcKv4>.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

NATO suspends 'all military ties' with Russia

This report, is about the decision that was taken on Tuesday by the military alliance's foreign ministers in Brussels. NATO has said that it will suspend "all practical civilian and military cooperation"with Russia because of Moscow's occupation and the "illegal" annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region. Nato and Ukraine announced in a joint statement after their ministers met that they would intensify cooperation and promote defense reforms in Ukraine. Also, they are looking at options including situation permanent military bases in the Baltic states to reassure members in Eastern Europe. The actions of Russia in Ukraine have caused concern in multiple countries that were part of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Earlier, he had denied reports that Russia was pulling its forces back from its border with Ukraine. But, Moscow is believed to have thousands troops on Ukraine's eastern borden in recent days. The foreign ministers from the 28 member NATO bloc made an agreement. As a conclusion they agreed to suspend NATO cooperation with Russia but in the dialogue the NATO-Russia Council could continue, as necessary to allow them to exchange views. They finally said that they will review the NATO relations with Russia in the next meeting that will be in June.

MLA Citation
"NATO Suspends 'all Military Ties' with Russia." Aljazeera. Aljazeera, 01 Apr. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. <http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/04/sign-russian-pullback-from-ukraine-201441132730915798.html>.

Food, Inc.

This documentary film that we watched in class the last few days, shows us the corporate farming in the United States in 3 ways. First that it produces food that is unhealthy, second that is environmentally harmful and third that is an abuse of animals and employees. This film relates to issues of race and economic hitman because in all of them exist power. There are two ways of power: Economic and legal power. Both of them are demonstrated in the film when they show as food labeling regulations of the companies.

Race and economics are two issues that are totally connected here. There are several profits to look at like: factory farms where chicken grow too fast to walk properly, cows eat feed pumped with toxic chemicals, and illegal immigrants risk life and limb to bring these products to market at an affordable cost. All of this are significantly important for the production of a product according to what Food Inc is presenting to us. What i want to say is that this relation that is growing and growing every day more, should stop because is not the best way to produce something cheaper and its making a harm into peoples life. The change can still be made for the benefit of all the people. This benefit that I'm talking about is the availability of natural things for people with less money and so that everyone can eat healthily.

MLA Citation

"Food, Inc." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. <http://www.pbs.org/pov/foodinc/>.