martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food, Inc.

This documentary film that we watched in class the last few days, shows us the corporate farming in the United States in 3 ways. First that it produces food that is unhealthy, second that is environmentally harmful and third that is an abuse of animals and employees. This film relates to issues of race and economic hitman because in all of them exist power. There are two ways of power: Economic and legal power. Both of them are demonstrated in the film when they show as food labeling regulations of the companies.

Race and economics are two issues that are totally connected here. There are several profits to look at like: factory farms where chicken grow too fast to walk properly, cows eat feed pumped with toxic chemicals, and illegal immigrants risk life and limb to bring these products to market at an affordable cost. All of this are significantly important for the production of a product according to what Food Inc is presenting to us. What i want to say is that this relation that is growing and growing every day more, should stop because is not the best way to produce something cheaper and its making a harm into peoples life. The change can still be made for the benefit of all the people. This benefit that I'm talking about is the availability of natural things for people with less money and so that everyone can eat healthily.

MLA Citation

"Food, Inc." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. <>.

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