lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Economic Hitman

Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a book written by John Perkins. This autobiography, reveals his career as an economist for an international consulting firm. Perkins defines economic hit man as: "Highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars." He considered himself as an economic hitman because his job was to convince countries that are strategically important to the US to accept huge loans for infrastructure development and to make sure that the projects were contracted to the US corporations. In the book, Perkins leads the reader through his career and explains how he created economic projections for countries to accept billions of dollars in loans they could not afford.

There are a lot of important quotes that i found in the book that are part of his experiences during his career around the world. For example his first assignment took place in Indonesia, that was an oil rich country and had been described as "the most heavily populated piece of real estate on the planet." He said that if the US could gain control of Indonesia with debts that would incur thanks to the loans for these huge projects, they believed it would help ensure American dominance in Southeast Asia. Later the impact continues when he started his own company. He became involved with nonprofit organizations and their efforts to work with and help indigenous people in Latin America. He believes, "We have convinced ourselves that all economic growth benefits humankind, and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits."

With all of this, i just want to say, that this book really help us see how a person that have been through a really though situations, it has been successful in life. Including the publication of this book, was complicated so that means that he is actually a good man to follow. This book, fills the blanks left behind by other writers of global theories, the book just tells us how each situation happen. I like to visualize all the steps to make everything possible so maybe that's why  i found great comfort in reading this personal story that allows me to do this.


Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hitman. San Fransisco: Plume, 2004. Print.

"John Perkins: Economic Hit Man." John Perkins: Economic Hit Man. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.

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